Despite my better judgment I've decided to put up some old images. These were my first three, and only attempts to date at doing 3D. The lantern was my first attempt, the watch second, and the Clockbot was last. Someday I'd like to dabble in that medium some more.
All is back to normal... so I thought I'd come back with a picture I did for a class. No, not art class, Ethics and Values. Yeah, you heard me right. If you want to find out who the old dude running is, just do a search for "the allegory of the cave" and see what you can find.
Oh, the Crocodile Man. The crocodile head from a previous post inspired me to take it a step further, witch then inspired me to take it a colorful step further. I just love to get the colors in my mind onto the image.
Just messing around with Yetis, or would it be Yetii? Honestly, I'm not so hot on the coloring. I think I'll have another go at it some other day. Looks like I need a better scanner too, a lot of the pencil detail is less than visible.
I liked the drawing enough to mess around with it for a while in photoshop. I may have to work this guy into the Chank comic idea. This picture bring my famiry great honor.
Something about a headless samurai warrior really grabs me. Anyone? Well, anyway, anybody who has ever watched He-Man will see my ode to the men's fur-kinis that run rampant across Eternia. I have the power!
As you can see I am quite productive at work. I once won an award for being so productive that it blew the CEO's head off, literally, or figuratively (which ever you find better). The colored goblin at the top is Zitflick, a character I have developed for the Chank comic. Oh, and a somewhat off-looking Lion-O also makes an appearance on this piece of sketch paper.
Normally I don't like showing people works in progress, well okay that is a lie, I just wanted to type something like that in this post. This is a sketch I am working on just to get the tone and design of the Chank comic more defined. I don't know what happened to Chank in this one but he doesn't look right at all.
This drawing has no real significance. Wow, that is boring... what I meant to say is that this character came to me in a dream one night about peace and harmony on earth and told me to do a drawing of him. That sounds better than saying I was doodling at work.
Okay, far be it from me to shoot myself in the foot. So as not to bore you poor people who may actually look at this blog with the same image over and over again, I have decided to post a little comic strip that I did many years ago. I will ink it and maybe color it. Well, anyway, I will post the finished product. Correct as usual King Friday.
So, I know that I have posted this exact drawing a number of times already. But I decided to try a new spin on the color choice. I think I may have found what I was looking for. The colors just seem to bring me back to classic horror films and for a Gnome that is killing zombies, witches, werewolves and such, that works. The images were colored differently but with the same idea in mind. Any and all feedback or comments would be welcome.
Here we have for you a wonderful display of three Chanks. Colored variously and differently, as well as each having a unique color scheme. Thus you may judge for yourself. 1 2 or 3. And if you have your own idea, let me know, i'll try it out. I want to get just the right colors that speak to the soul of all who behold this young Gnome.
...back by popular demand (basically just mine). Anyway, I was just thinking to myself that maybe the peeps out there would like to see the black and white version of a Chank sketch (touched up in photoshop) before I color it.
Well my peeps, here it is... my first go at coloring in Photoshop. Must I say it? I love it. The ease, the control, the editablilty... Anyway, this is a color test for the Chank character idea. Nothing solid yet but I like some of it for sure. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Something about a sarcastic teddy bear gets me going. This was a wallpaper I did for fun. I created the character in flash and compiled the image in Photoshop.