Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Eat This!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Patcha the Explorer
Here are some images of the shirt design I entered for the Woot derby this week. The theme was "Maps"
If you want to vote click here: http://shirt.woot.com/Derby/Entry.aspx?id=57472 you have to have purchased something on Woot to do so.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Woot Shirt Derby
This is my entry for the woot haloween derby.
Click on the Linky to go vote
This is my entry for the woot haloween derby.
Click on the Linky to go vote
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Do not deny me your gifts... please
A quick color warm up for all peoples who may or may not look at this blog.
I decided to create and try some new brushes in Photoshop. I've been experimenting with different styles and techniques as of late to see if something tickles my fancy in a new and exciting way. It's been a blast and very insightful.
And now for something random. An opinion paper I had to write for a psychology class... we were able to choose our own topic. So, here, read and discuss... I would love to hear a rebuttal.
I decided to create and try some new brushes in Photoshop. I've been experimenting with different styles and techniques as of late to see if something tickles my fancy in a new and exciting way. It's been a blast and very insightful.
And now for something random. An opinion paper I had to write for a psychology class... we were able to choose our own topic. So, here, read and discuss... I would love to hear a rebuttal.
Lion-O Trumps He-Man
It is my goal with this paper to
express the many reasons that lead me to believe that Lion-O is superior to
He-Man. It will not be easy; many have debated, sometimes for hours on end,
which of the two characters in question is superior.
He-Man, as we all know, is the
leading character of the 1983 cartoon series He-Man and the Masters of the
Universe. Lion-O, as most should know, is
the lead character of the popular 1985 cartoon series Thundercats. Now, why do I feel that Lion-O is cooler, better,
and superior when compared to He-Man? Let’s start with the most apparent
reason, in other words, their looks, their appearance. He-Man has a very boring, plain and
rather emasculating hair-do. His hair makes me think of a little blonde paige
boy from the middle ages; jaw length hair with short bangs falling down in the
front. Lion-O on the other hand has an outrageously sweet coif that screams, “I
rule, and you know it.” As his name suggests, Lion-O’s hair is reminiscent of a
lion’s mane with hints of William Wallace’s man-mane in Braveheart, Fabio’s flowing locks, in a crazy world where Fabio
would actually be considered cool, and Blanka’s fiery orange hair follicles
from the Street Fighter video
game series. I know, it sounds awesome, eh? As far as build goes, both He-Man
and Lion-O are totally buffed out and rockin’ so they are pretty even on those
terms. Lion-O however, has cool cat eyes and lion colored skin, whereas He-Man
is a plain old Joe in those terms. Both have pro’s and con’s in regards to
their attire so I won’t go into that matter at this time.
Now lets talk about their weapons
of choice. Both are equipped with a magic sword of some kind. He-Man has the
Power Sword given to him by the sorceress of Greyskull and Lion-O wields the
mystical Sword of Omens, which he obtained from Jaga, the wise. The Power
Sword, while having the power to transform Prince Adam into his alter ego,
He-Man, and visa versa, as well as being able to disappear when not in use, has
no other obvious magical abilities or attributes. The Sword of Omens on the
other hand is a weapon of wonder. Some might say that it even has a life of
it’s own, like a magical, metal servant to Lion-O. The sword has various powers
such as flight, a built in warning sound that alerts Lion-O to danger, and the
ability to change size from a small dagger to a full sized sword. In other
words, the Sword of Omens rules, it even comes to Lion-O’s hand when called.
Clearly we can see that the Sword of Omens rocks, especially when compared to
the Power Sword. What truly seals the deal though, is that while the Sword of
Omens is cool, Lion-O doesn’t rely on it like He-Man does on the Power Sword.
Lion-O sans sword is just as cool, just as powerful, and just as heroic as
Lion-O with sword.
While Lion-O’s hair and looks are
the embodiment of sweetness, and the Sword of Omens is the cat’s pajamas, the
bee’s knees, these things are only side notes to what truly places Lion-O head
and shoulders above He-Man: Personality. Lion-O has class, pure, unadulterated
class. Lion-O saves the day with style, humor, determination, and above all, a
level of humanity that He-Man could only dream of.
In conclusion I want to clarify the
fact that He-Man in and of himself is still utterly bodacious. He was
ever-present during my childhood and still continues to warm my nostalgic soul
like a muscle-bound, fur underwear-wearing electric blanket. Lion-O just does
it better, and with style.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Stealing... from my memory
I had an idea a few years back for an awesome character. Everybody loves a pirate and I'm no exception. In addition to that I have an insatiable love for drawing tentacles. So I combined the two to create a character I called Octavius Inque. I was in love... and then tragedy occurred. I remembered the Pirates of the Caribbean movies... and Davy Jones... maybe I'll just ignore it and pretend I didn't remember.
This afternoon I was witness to something of great awesomeness and a sprinkling of nostalgia. Bill Nye, the one and only science guy came and spoke at Utah Valley University. mmmmmmm, science-y.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Digital and Traditional Warm Ups
Watch out!... I don't know why...
That's right, the PIGEOGRIFF unveiled for all to behold. About the size of a small house cat, the pigeogriff is a skittish creature easily recognized by it's nervous and borderline neurotic movements.
I've decided I really want to be doing more regular warm ups. My skills must be honed!... And then once I've reached my goal of being a world renowned, modern samurai, I'll hone my art skills too...
please don't hurt me.
This first one was done in Photoshop... it's one of those renaissance scribe dudes... and guess what he discovered.
I've decided I really want to be doing more regular warm ups. My skills must be honed!... And then once I've reached my goal of being a world renowned, modern samurai, I'll hone my art skills too...
please don't hurt me.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Uh... why is that city glowing green?

Here is a piece I did for a poster. I was asked to do this piece for a dance studio that is putting on a ballet version of the Wizard of OZ. I want to see the Lion in Pointe shoes... wait... no I don't.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Yeti, Little Red, Toad, Catfish, and... oh Gingerbread
Some of these are new... some are less new. The yeti and catfish piece are done with traditional media and the others were done in Photoshop. KaBlam!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Oh, a Samurai I See, How Original.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Cottage, Monkey Island, and other stuff

Here is.... well... a cottage... meant as a value and mood study.
Same goes for the next one down.

In other news, anybody remember the game "The Secret of Monkey Island"?
I didn't... then I did... and then I downloaded the Special Edition on my Ipod.
It is Genius... mmmmmm, good game.
And to end the post here are some images of some things I painted.

Hopefully this post will make up for the serious lack of posting recently.
ciao for now.
Monday, March 28, 2011

Here is another Cardboard painting i did recently. This one sold last week to a great guy in San Antonio Texas.
I call it "Goresloth Attacks" and is one of a two part series. Hopefully I'll have the second piece done soon.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Time For Some... Underpants!

Teddy Bear and his boy in a creepy swamp. I don't have much else to say. So I will type gibberish and you can pretend it says whatever you would like it to say.
Ajfioe jljidje jfjfi gildne alilxn siein vi ie tthhios ilnitli aninig. Soijgoieb Ckldjs E kdlijlg.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Riiiiibit Good Sir

Seeing as I've been really bad at posting regularly I have repented of my ways and will now begin a regular posting thingy stuff schedule way time. Anyway, here is a quick character design for an illustration I'll post shortly.
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